
Delightful Sunshine VDC

Original price was: ₱3,700.00.Current price is: ₱3,590.00.

Mixed Flowers comprised of Yellow Gerberas, Stargazer, Pink and White Carnations

SKU: delightful-sunshine-vdc Category: Tags: , , ,


Same Day Delivery cut-off at 2:00pm.
Min 4 hours lead time to deliver depending on the current lineup in Production.
Any order beyond 2:00pm, will be delivered the next day.
Please contact the customer service representative on our official Facebook page: Masitera Flower Shop
or on our Viber and/or contact phone number: +63 917 183 0102
Kindly indicate the following: Order Number <> Billing Contact Person <> Date of Delivery and Time
e.g. 1010 Juan De La Cruz 02/14 2:00pm

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